Colebrook Landmarks

The Olde Seymour Inn - 1816

Rock School - 1779

Samuel Rockwell Home - 1766

Rockwell Hall

Colebrook Church - 1784

Church in the Wildwood

Colebrook Store -1812


Hale Barn - 1797

Center Firehouse

Colebrook Consolidated School

Forge Company Firehouse

Colebrook River Dam

Colebrook River Lake

Camp Jewell- YMCA

Colebrook Town Garage

Bell's Sawmill

Millard's Welding Shop

Colebrook Town Green

Spice 320

Antique Shop

Historic Town Sign

Sandy Brook

Phelps Tavern


The mission of the Colebrook Historical Society shall be to promote and encourage historical, antiquarian and genealogical research; to preserve and publish same; to educate the community; to collect and display antiquarian and historical objects and records, and to preserve the Rock School building.

The Society shall reach out to the community at large to provide creative, educational, historical and entertaining experiences. The Society shall employ both traditional and contemporary communications platforms to promote and maintain the relevance of the organization.

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